pop art

Fazzino Pop Art Collectors Mailbag – Gabriel Randazzo

We recently heard from our friend Gabriel who sent us pictures of the college senior project he just completed. Best to let him give us his inspiration in his own words: “Thank you for your interest in my work and …


Send a Customized Fazzino E-Card

We are excited to announce our new Fazzino E-Card page! Now you can send an image by your favorite 3D pop artist with your own custom greeting. Send a Fazzino e-card to say “Happy Birthday,” “Happy Holidays,” or even just …


Pop Art Trend – Reverse Graffiti

Reverse Graffiti: The New Green Movement? Have you seen this yet? i just learned about it and it’s one of the hottest trends out there. It’s called “Reverse Graffiti” and it’s graffiti art for the new millennium. Basically, instead of …


Happy Fourth of July – Independence Day Patriotism in Pop Art

Hot dogs…ice cream…apple pie…and of course, the American Flag…All signs of The Fourth of July, the most patriotic day of the year. We celebrate our country, our history, and our culture. Throughout history, the character of our people and the …


New Release: In the Center of the Apple

Charles Fazzino’s newest 3D limited edition pop art release is titled “In the Center of the Apple.” It’s the latest in a long line of very popular apple-shaped, New York-themed limited editions. Taking a patriotic turn after acting as the …


Press Release: Charles Fazzino Launches New Contest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The “Win a Fazzino for your Home” contest is open to all Fazzino Facebook Fans Internationally renowned 3D pop artist Charles Fazzino recently launched the new  “Fazzino in Your Home” contest on Facebook. It’s open to all …


Enter The Fazzino In Your Home Contest

This week, we launched the “Fazzino in Your Home” contest on Facebook. It’s open to all Fazzino Facebook Fans so make sure you get your entry in. The contest runs until June 30th. All you have to do to enter …


Pharts – Charles Fazzino, l’inventeur du 3D Pop Art – Oct/Nov2012

Pharts – Charles Fazzino, l’inventeur du 3D Pop Art – Oct/Nov2012