3D Pop Art

Galerie Artima Celebrates Ten Years in Paris

  My work has been shown in Paris for more than fifteen years. For the last ten, my 3d pop art has been represented throughout France by Olivier and Nicolas Waltman, owners of the prestigious Paris Art Gallery called Galerie …


Pictures from MLB Fanfest

Just got back from Anaheim and the All-Star Game!   What an exciting weekend! I got to participate in Fanfest where I showcased my hand painted home plate, helmets, baseballs, and other MLB artwork.   I got some air time …


Remembering Michael Jackson in Pop Art

I, like everyone else, have spent the last several days watching and listening to all of the one-year tributes to Michael Jackson….The King of Pop. So many words come to mind…..incredible talent, incredible tragedy. There is no doubt that he …


Fazzino 3D Pop Art and Mercedes….together in Oslo!

If you happen to be in Olso, Norway in the next few days, stop by the Mercedes-Benz dealership. They are unveiling the new E Class Cabriolet there …. and having an exhibition of my artwork featuring the piece I recently …


3D Pop Art in Japan

I just returned from my annual January jaunt to Japan. I go there every January to do shows and signings for my Japanese Agent, High Spirits & Yu. I find it interesting because being from New York, the big cities …


Fazzino and 3D Pop Art in London

Hello from London! Arrived here on Sunday and leaving in the AM for Paris. I’m here for a showing of my 3d pop art at Art London and while here, I took the opportunity to go to the Pop Art Life …