Sports Pop Art

Home Field Advantage/All Star Game Contest Winners!

Thanks to all who wrote in their opinions about Home Field Advantage and the All Star Game. Everyone had some great things to say either way! Congratulations to our winners: Jennifer Gertelman Carmen Velez Deborah Gula Jane Erickson Dr. Carol …


Home Field Advantage for World Series

In our last E-Newsletter, we asked for your opinions about the fact that the All-Star Game determines the home field advantage for the World Series. Personally, I'm torn. I think the old way worked just fine…alternating years between the American …


A Cool Night with Some Cool People

I promise, this is my last blog about the All-Star Game, but it was such an incredible week. I was lucky to be invited to MLB Commissioner Bud Selig's suite to watch the game and sign some posters for his …


MLB All-Star Game Highlights

Hello Everyone! You can see highlights from Charles Fazzino's experiences during MLB All-Star Game Week on several websites including MLB.Com and Fox.Com. I'll post the links as i get them. Chalres Fazzino Talks About his All-Star Game Artwork on …


MLB Fanfest

We're four days into the MLB Fanfest at the Jacob Javits Center and it's been a blast. Being in our home town and sharing the all-star game with all of you has been an exciting experience. The “Big Hat” yankee …


Bob, Goose, Stick, and Me at the Sports Museum of America

Last night, my All-Star Game artwork was unveiled at the Sports Museum of America downtown in New York City. It was an amazing night…and I met a few of you there. Thanks so much for joining me! It was great …


I was on the Today Show this morning…and then….

Wow. What a day. We started off at the NBC Studios where I was scheduled to do a Today Show television spot on the first of two Olympic Pins I have designed for NBC for the Beijing Games. The spot …


More Sports Museum – Goose is Coming!

I found out last night that Rich “Goose” Gossage is going to be joining me at the Sports Museum event. VERY exciting….one of my favorite Yankees of all time.