Sports Pop Art

Fazzino Pop Art All-Star Game Poster Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of the Charles Fazzino All-Star Game Poster Giveaway Contest!   Jeffrey McCabe Charles Hyman Amy Becker Scott Schiller Lisa Lane Kristen Weichel   If you haven’t heard from us directly about your poster, that’s because …


All-Star Game Poster Giveaway Contest

Charles Fazzino just returned from St. Louis where he unveiled his latest creation for the 2009 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. You can read about his experience in the blog entry before this one. We’d like to giveaway Six (6) …


Baseball Pop Art an All-Star Hit in St. Louis

All-Star Game Art Project at Busch Stadium, Pop Art Poster Signing with Jack Clark, and more! Just returned to the studio today after a whirlwind tour through St. Louis to unveil my pop art for the upcoming MLB All-Star Game …


My upcoming week in St. Louis with the Cardinals!

Fazzino 3D Pop Art Unveiling at Busch Stadium to Benefit Cardinals Care   This is going to be a very busy, but exciting week. I’m heading to St. Louis later today for a couple of days of events with the …


3D Pop Art at Mets Citi Field Last Night with John Franco and Jeff Wilpon

Last night was amazin’! John Franco and Jeff Wilpon helped me unveil my Citi Field artwork outside the team store in the Jackie Robinson Rotunda before last night’s game. I was so honored to have both John and Jeff there….and …


Join Me and John Franco at Citi Field THIS Tuesday!

Tuesday is going to be a great day! Former Met Captain John Franco is going to join me at Citi Field for the formal unveiling of my Citi Field Commemorative Artwork! Many months ago, the Mets asked me to create …


Opening Night at Citi Field

I was at Citi Field last night when the Mets opened up their new stadium. I’ve been working with the Mets to create a piece of artwork to celebrate the milestone, but i had not actually seen the stadium in …


Steeler History

A couple of weeks ago, i had the incredible opportunity of travelling to Pittsburgh to meet with Steelers' owners Dan and Art Rooney….I presented them with a personalized artwork celebrating the team's Super Bowl XLIII victory in January. They were …