Arts Education & Charity

Fazzino Arts Education Initiative – Girl Scout Troup 2899

Last week, we has some special visitors at the studio – Port Chester/Rye Brook Girl Scout Troup 2899. The girls arrived with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. They took a tour of the studio given by Sales Director Fran …


Fazzino Arts Education Initiative – Edgemont School District

I’m happy to report that the Fazzino Arts Education Initiative is back in action! Next Monday, my staff and I will be visiting The Edgemont School District in Scarsdale, NY  to conduct a master class interactive workshop. We’ll be working …


High Schools Keeping The Arts Alive

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know i’m an advocate for arts education in our schools. It seems to be a given that when budgets get cut and funds dry up, the arts are the first thing to go. …


Bid on Fazzino’s Doodle for Hunger and Get it Personalized!

I have participated in the Doodle for Hunger event for more than ten years now. Put together by my friends Joe Sano and Father Francis, the annual event is one of the best attended charity events in New York City …


Arts for Education News

I came across this article today on the Americans for Arts website and wanted to pass along the information. To quote from the first paragraph of the article: “One of America’s fastest growing Italian wines, KRIS, is teaming with Americans …


Tour Charles Fazzino’s Pop Art Studios

  ArtsFest 2011 is almost upon us and it is with great pride that we announce our participation one again in this annual event. New Rochelle ArtsFest is sponsored by the New Rochelle Council on the Arts and is an …


Collectors Mailbag – Isabell Villacis

I’d like to introduce you to the artwork created by my friend Isabell Villacis. I originally met her several years ago at a Wentworth Gallery show in Bridgewater Commons Mall. We recently reconnected at the Wentworth Gallery in Short Hills, …


Art Meets Advertising in Santa Barbara

I read a blog this morning about a UC Santa Barbara professor who recently took advantage of a commerical controversy to spread the “word of art.” A company called Pumpflix has been approved (despite much protest amongst the cultural purists) …