3D Pop Art

Guest Blogger Sharon Connelly

Every so often, I will invite someone else to contribute to my blog. Today, you'll hear from Sharon Connelly from my publishing company. She's been with me for 11 years…–Charles Hello all – I am so glad that I have …


The Loss of Robert Rauschenberg

I know i'm a little late commenting on the death of the great Robert Rauschenberg, but someone mentioned his name to me today and it got me thinking…His death in May was a big loss to the art community. He …


More Sports Museum – Goose is Coming!

I found out last night that Rich “Goose” Gossage is going to be joining me at the Sports Museum event. VERY exciting….one of my favorite Yankees of all time.


I Love the Work of Red Grooms

I recently had the chance to see the Red Grooms exhibit at the Hudson River Museum here in Yonkers, NY. I first saw his work about twenty years ago at an exhibition inside Manhattan's Grand Central Station. I was amazed …


To My Danish Collectors

Something really cool happened yesterday at the studio. Mr. Ole Lindboe from KUNST magasinet, the largest art magazine in Denmark, came here to interview me for his next issue. What an honor. It all started about 10 years ago when …


Welcome to My New Blog!

Welcome to my new blog. I have to admit that before a few months ago, I didn’t even know what a blog was. Several people told me that while we were building this new Collectors Club website, I should consider …