3D Pop Art

Peace, Love, and Joy

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Back from Boca!

It seems like years since i left the studio last Wednesday but i'm back and i have so much to report on the events we did with tennis star Andy Roddick in Florida. What a great time! On Friday, Andy …


Happy Thanksgiving !

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of you a “Happy Thanksgiving”. I must say that this is one of my favorite holidays because my wife Sue is an amazing cook! Hopefully I won't get in trouble …


Pop Art Goes Thanksgiving!

I've always loved Macy's….such history…Herald Square….Miracle on 34th Street…It's the home of Santa Claus! And today, I have two more reasons to be a fan. This morning I was part of a check presentation during which Macy's donated $250,000 to …


Speaking of Travelling

So, two weeks ago, i made one of my whirlwind tours through Germany and France. I started out flying from JFK in NY to Frankfurt, Germany….the major hub there. Frankfurt airport is HUGE…if you ever have to go there and …


Andy Warhol Prince of Pop

I was reading a great blog entry last week about Andy Warhol and a biography written about him, Andy Warhol Prince of Pop. The author wrote: Andy Warhol is inseparable from American Pop Art – an art movement that started …


Fazzino at the 20th Anniversary of Memory Walk

Well, Jaime Cancel (Charles Fazzino's Art Director) and I filled in for Charles at the 20th Anniversary Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk today. Charles is in Europe doing shows in Germany and one in France. He was disappointed that he couldn't …


From My Sketch Book

I don't know any artist who doesn't have a sketch book. I'm no exception. I carry it with me all the time…work in it especially while i'm travelling…on the plane…in the hotel….my sketch book is my outlet for imagination….the only …