3D Pop Art

Contemporary Pop Art Meets the Westchester Philharmonic

This weekend, the Westchester Philharmonic will celebrate its Spring Gala with an event called “The Art of the Violin.” The Philharmonic, under the direction of the legendary Itzak Perlman, will perform its final concert of the season on Sunday, May …


Ellis Island Medal of Honor Awards Left Me Speechless

My 3D Pop Art Celebrates Ellis Island I wondered how NECO could surpass the wonderful party they threw on Friday night….I met many of the past medalists on Friday and they told me to expect an incredible day on Saturday….but …


Ellis Island Pre-Celebration with the Estefans

I can’t believe last night was only the “PRE-CELEBRATION” – the weekend of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor Awards Gala is here..and i really don’t think i understood the magnitude of this event until last night. I attended the …


3-D Pop Art at JFK Airport

Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity of seeing my artwork permanently installed in the American Airlines terminal at JFK Airport in NY…I went for the installation and to sign posters for the American Airlines employees. Honestly, I had not idea what …


I LOVE My New Dioramas

I can’t believe how the new diorama sculptures i’m working on are coming out. They’re like my new little babies….i’m just so excited about them. I did the first one as an experiment for Art Expo and have been working …


Opening Night at Citi Field

I was at Citi Field last night when the Mets opened up their new stadium. I’ve been working with the Mets to create a piece of artwork to celebrate the milestone, but i had not actually seen the stadium in …


pop art, pop books, pop outs

I read a blog on the weburbanist.com site today titled “Amazing and Creative Book Cover Art and Design.” When I was a child, my mother used to buy me pop-up books and books with interesting covers and to this day, …


Foster Learning in the Arts…Foster Innovation and Advancement

I occasionally read a blog by Alyson Stanfield that she writes for artists looking for advice on how to grow their entrepreneurial businesses. Last week, she posted a blog that i really wanted to share with you and i'm just …