3D Pop Art

Collectors Mailbag – Fazzino Pop Art Puzzle Fan

I recently received an email from Stephanie:   This past Christmas my family and I received a Fazzino NYC puzzle from my aunt who works for Andrews + Blaine Ltd. (the company that produces all the awesome puzzles). I, being the …


Fazzino 3D Pop Art Ketubah

I recently had the honor of creating a very special wedding ketubah for one of my collectors – Jaime Perla. I had never done anything like this before when she asked me and i thought long and hard about how …


Fazzino Collectors Mailbag – Hello from Cleveland!

I received an email from my attorney…ok…so he’s not “technically” a collector…but he sure has my work on his walls! 🙂 He’s in Cleveland with his son and took a tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They …


More Pop Art Pics from Pori

My contacts in Finland finally sent me the photographs from Pori…INCLUDING THE ONES WITH THE PRESIDENT! With President Tarja Halonen


Fazzino’s Pop Art Report from Pori

So, i’ve been waiting to blog about my trip to Pori until i have the picture i took with the President of Finland…but…well…nobody has emailed it to me yet…and there’s a funny story as to why i don’t have it …


Fazzino Pop Art with an International Flair – Norway

Well, i just got back this afternoon from Pori, Finland where we had a great exhibition….I even met the President of Finland….more on that later…with Pictures! 🙂   But even before we get to Finland, I want to congratulate one …


It’s Show Time in St. Louis!

I arrived in St. Louis yesterday for the Major League Baseball All-Star Game festivities. The city is definitely all decked out and ready!  There are baseball commemorative sculptures in the shape of the St. Louis Arch planted all over the …


Fazzino Pop Art Collectors Mailbag

My friend Christian Baehr recently commissioned me to paint a 3′-4′ diameter apple sculpture with a New York/Broadway theme. All went well until we shipped the final sculpture to him. We crated the sculpture and it arrived at his doorstep …